Question : Working Mothers
Can a working mother homeschool her children? How?
MA: Indeed, it is incredulous, Annie Ahmed, that you work full day and homeschool your children. May Allah give more Barakah in your time, efforts, health and happiness, Aameen.
Can a working mother homeschool her children? How?
Please working moms do provide tips. More than one mother on this forum has requested advise regarding this.
I'm a 9-5 working
mother with two sons. am semi home schooling one of them who is on 2 yr
break from school for hifz. It is tough but I think once both you and your
child gets disciplined, it becomes easier. And in these two months that I
have started I've come to the conclusion that a lot of time is wasted in
My son is 8 and
hes a grade 4 student. he is doing hifz at home. qari sb comes in
morning and then he does Quran with dadi (May Allah bless her) during
different times of the day. i try to do something new with him from his
school curriculum in evening and leave him practise work which he
finishes during the day in the time hes not doing Quran
In response to the question: I'm a teacher at Fajr Academy and my son goes goes to the same school. I consider myself semi homeschooling because I return home to continue to look after his needs which his mentors have been providing during the day. The only difference is, we are in our home with blood relatives and he gets to reinforce with them. It gets a little cumbersome at times because of the changing moods and needs of other sibling but he gets to learn to deal with that as well. We do guided reading of books he gets from school as well as the collection at home every day.We play in the evening and go out to meet other families on weekends if possible.
In response to the question: I'm a teacher at Fajr Academy and my son goes goes to the same school. I consider myself semi homeschooling because I return home to continue to look after his needs which his mentors have been providing during the day. The only difference is, we are in our home with blood relatives and he gets to reinforce with them. It gets a little cumbersome at times because of the changing moods and needs of other sibling but he gets to learn to deal with that as well. We do guided reading of books he gets from school as well as the collection at home every day.We play in the evening and go out to meet other families on weekends if possible.
SM: 2 sons and a daughter
My mom homeschooled my brother when she was
working full time and he was a teenager. She would assign him work and
then check his work when she came home.
Another homeschooling mom was doing work that she could do around her kids schedules.. she gave tuition when the kids were asleep early morning and so when they woke up she would teach them.
I'm currently working as well but I've found things I can do from home and online.. and I choose timings that won't conflict with the homeschooling timings..I also share what I'm doing with my kids.. so they understand what it is that I'm busy doing.. I share work problems and issues as well which teaches them life lessons.. and ask them for their cooperation and help when needed..
I schedule time to meet with friends.. and time to go out to places so it makes their life more well rounded.. they also attend a 6 hour weekend program so that gives me some time to get work done..\
Another homeschooling mom was doing work that she could do around her kids schedules.. she gave tuition when the kids were asleep early morning and so when they woke up she would teach them.
I'm currently working as well but I've found things I can do from home and online.. and I choose timings that won't conflict with the homeschooling timings..I also share what I'm doing with my kids.. so they understand what it is that I'm busy doing.. I share work problems and issues as well which teaches them life lessons.. and ask them for their cooperation and help when needed..
I schedule time to meet with friends.. and time to go out to places so it makes their life more well rounded.. they also attend a 6 hour weekend program so that gives me some time to get work done..\
I work from home and have hired a teacher to come and help me in getting her work completed on time. So I am working in the room next to where she is studying. In the evening we have time for ourselves and she goes to her activities like swimming, dance class and book club.
And once the teacher is there I can go out too if I have a meeting or other engagements
I work from home and have hired a teacher to come and help me in getting her work completed on time. So I am working in the room next to where she is studying. In the evening we have time for ourselves and she goes to her activities like swimming, dance class and book club.
And once the teacher is there I can go out too if I have a meeting or other engagements
I'm curious :A lot of working moms are working from home...what are your professions guys??
I'd love to do the same thing:it looks ideal
I'm curious :A lot of working moms are working from home...what are your professions guys??
I'd love to do the same thing:it looks ideal
SM: I conduct a workshop online and am
developing more workshops. Am also training to be a remedial therapist..
plan to start teaching students at home or through Skype after my
training is complete insh'Allah.. I also do freelance graphic design work
on the side..
Eng. S:
I am a software developer and
worked from home for around 15 years. I used to work mostly few months a
year and only part time. But work from home isn't that easy as you may
think. I am in a joint family setup and work from home becomes more
difficult in this situation.
I am a homeschooling mother of 2 children, 2+
& 3+ years. I am away from home 8am to 6pm. My experience with
practicing homeschooling is relatively new, as my children are small.
My routine of homeschooling is that I teach my daughter in evening, during the day she is with her maternal grandma, she plays games and puzzles while I am away and in evenings I do reading & writing, activities like finding sight words in newspaper and some days we just play board games together especially when it's a new game she wants me to teach her how to play. There are some mornings when she wakes up before I leave for work, so I try to utilize that time by doing some reading, etc. She is more into physical activities and games, so I don't force her to study but do as much as she wants.
InshaAllah as she gets 7+ then I intend to have a schedule for her homeschooling
My routine of homeschooling is that I teach my daughter in evening, during the day she is with her maternal grandma, she plays games and puzzles while I am away and in evenings I do reading & writing, activities like finding sight words in newspaper and some days we just play board games together especially when it's a new game she wants me to teach her how to play. There are some mornings when she wakes up before I leave for work, so I try to utilize that time by doing some reading, etc. She is more into physical activities and games, so I don't force her to study but do as much as she wants.
InshaAllah as she gets 7+ then I intend to have a schedule for her homeschooling
I already have love for most of you ..those who i haven't even met. May Allah grant you His razaa and barakah ameeeen

MA: Indeed, it is incredulous, Annie Ahmed, that you work full day and homeschool your children. May Allah give more Barakah in your time, efforts, health and happiness, Aameen.
Mrs AH: 2 sons,aged 7 and 15
I've also been working from home for the past 2 years now and the work load is increasing, Alhamdulillah but I also find myself with less time to spend on a separate homeschooling schedule.So what usually happens is my kids get involved in my work and help me out whenever possible and during that time I make sure they get some practical, real life understanding of things.My kids are now old enough to do their study work younger son usually stays with me if he needs assistance,even if I'm working.
I've also been working from home for the past 2 years now and the work load is increasing, Alhamdulillah but I also find myself with less time to spend on a separate homeschooling schedule.So what usually happens is my kids get involved in my work and help me out whenever possible and during that time I make sure they get some practical, real life understanding of things.My kids are now old enough to do their study work younger son usually stays with me if he needs assistance,even if I'm working.
The bottom line is that we don't really have any structured
plan and we kind of go with the flow according to what life throws at
us on any given day.
I know this might not be very reassuring but I find the
duty of keeping up with a schedule much more stressful.And when I feel
we do lag behind on some topics/subjects,it's always time to sit down
for a family meeting and discuss things through,highlight the pros and
cons and motivate each other for better, more productive work
(Note: The above is a copy of a Whatsapp conversation, partly edited for clarity)
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