Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Is homeschooling cheaper than sending ones child to school?

Question :  Expense
Is homeschooling cheaper than sending ones child to school?

Mrs AH: 2 sons age7and 15
Cost of homeschooling your kids,just like the cost of everything else, depends on  what you are willing to invest in it,what outcome do you hope to achieve with it etc.
Out family keeps the cost of homeschooling very low,we don't really have much choice about it budget is very tight. But others may have the possibility too spend more and implicitly get their kids involved in more extra curricular activities and use a wider range of resources.
Bottom line is there is no one mainstream answer to this question and the point is to get the best value for the money you spend,be it a lot or a little.


I think it depends....nothing is fixed in homeschooling..sometimes it exceeds from estimation and sometimes not....it depend upon your strategies..


SW: It can vary from family to family but one positive aspect is you are never bound... If, for any reason you can't afford something, you are free to postpone, on the other hand, you have to pay school fee on time, no matter what..

Umm Raeyan (lives in the Middle East) : Daughter 9 yrs old, Son 3 yrs old
As mentioned earlier similar to ones life style cost of homeschooling varies for every family; for us it is expensive than the _small schools_ definitely cheaper than the _renowned ones_.
I follow the envelope system for the house expenses and every month keep aside a particular amount for homeschooling. Sometimes I spend just a small fraction of the allotted amount and save remaining for later. This way if we come across some interesting co-curricular activity, science / craft kit or book which would cost an arm and a leg I don't have to think twice.
I try to look for free online resources and stock on stationery etc. during back school sales.


I've started homeschooling since this year and I keep 1/3 the amount that we were paying to the school aside every month... So far so good... It's all being saved for future activities or things we'll need to buy.


Spending on home schooling depends on the style of homeschooling. I am spending way more now then I was paying to school and tutions combined when my daughter was going to school. But now I am getting the value for money.
That is, I am happy, my child is most happy, her health has improved a lot, we both are stress free, she is getting one to one attention and learning at her pace. Not to mention the cost of suffering, falling sick every month, doctor's visits, medicines and tests.
I am saving on this now.😃


Exactly ..value for money is the point....you spend both either way....and how much is your decision to make....It can be more expensive but...
-You may spend less at school for subjects your child doesn't want to take
- spend more on a single tutor who is the best in his field but doesn't teach at your child's old school
- spend less on textbooks that do not get used completely in the classroom
- spend more on books you feel your children can benefit from and use for years
- spend less on extra curricular activities which are part of the school package
-spend more on extra curricular activities and workshops which take longer hours and your child received more focused help and attention on his work..
Value For Money... ..education isn't cheap


Perfectly summarized.
Pre school and nursery school are definitely cheaper done at home rather then school. You don't need much to teach the little ones, and they learn more from 'on-site' training😀 
I think little spend more time out of school because if seasonal illnesses rather than in school.
It's a shame the local school system makes it harder for little ones to join school after they are less vulnerable to illnesses.

  (Note: The above is a copy of a Whatsapp conversation,   partly edited for clarity)

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