Question : Language a Barrier
How does someone homeschool her children if she is not proficient in English?
I believe she should learn with her kids. Its never too late to learn.
Dr. MM:
Yes I agree with that too...learn with kids
Find good English teacher.
Read with your kids
Do word games
Do word games
Ummibaps: 8 sons, 1 daughter / 18yrs to 2yrs
You can teach and guide and help your child seek knowledge
in any language that is your family's mother tongue..math, science,
logic.....The point is to communicate and educate. ....
English is needed to study and prepare for O levels or
Matriculation examinations for academic preparation the family
will need to seek tutors. If the family can learn the language together
even better. For this exposure to the language is needed in the form of
audio books, videos....different forms of media. ...
As for knowledge of the world, deen, tarbeeyah etc a
mother who doesn't speak English can still teach her child. ...a French
speaking doctor, a German speaking engineer, a Philippine nurse, an
Urdu speaking pilot are not considered uneducated.
The more languages a child can communicate, the better...
A mother can prepare her child for life in the world in any language she can communicate with her child.
Sumera :
Ummibaps, can you elaborate on your point? This somehow concerns me so I wanna analyse.
Sister Sumera,
Things like how does gravity work, what causes rain,
addition , subtraction, good manners, how to garden, construct things,
paint ..etc all this is not dependent on the English language. Parents
who have knowledge can teach their children what they know and help them
find information on what they don't know.
Since the examination and college education is in English
here, the child needs to know the language to study and prepare for
exams etc....and tutors, videos etc can help with that...but knowledge
can be received in any language. ...
Even those parents who have
grown up speaking English can not teach they need to
get help....and if the children decide to study in an Arab country, or
France or Germany, Korea for example. ....English with be little help
...They will need to learn the language. ...
They will still have knowledge but in another language. ....
And to learn any language means lots of exposure to it....
Um....I hope I'm making sense. let me know if I'm not
Sarah :
This brings me to a slightly different
question which I am struggling with. I can't teach my children their
school stuff without losing my cool. They are four and three and have
tons of oral and written homework and exams and all in Arabic. I am at
my wits end every time I sit with them and my constant threat for them
to obey me is to either work with me or go to a tuition. I don't know
the language and I also can't deal too well with pressure and the whole
inappropriate age writing pressure. Will I be able to homeschool? The
first thing my husband and family will say is that you can't make them do
homework leave alone homeschool. I don't blame them for thinking that
Dr. MM:
Yes you are. Its double
the hard work for parents as they have to learn first to teach their
young ones...parenting is a tough task. But rewarding when you see them
swim through.
When I was home schooling I realized
that there is a great alleviation of pressure that is pressure from
school my son would return from my dresser and in the afternoon when I
produced his homework books announcing it was time to do homework boy
how his mood would change
Dr. MM:
Boys are so volatile
Its very tough to make them sit at one place
Where is when he was at home sitting
down for an hour or two wasn't stressful for him at all NFL as far as
learning is concerned he gained a lot
I also feel that the most stressful
time for a child to be in school is at the age of 4. As this is the time
when the child is being taught how to right. Which means writing the
letter A 10 x and sometimes even more than 10 times in one sitting which
drives most children nuts especially boys
Dr. MM:
Yeah agreed they wont repeat writing same words again and again
Sarah my dear . start
homeschool . which school is giving such nonsense h.w. to little kids.
Please read John Holt how children learn. Read home works magazines with
your family. Take them to HS families. Let them meet their children.I
have been a teacher for many years and when the time came for me to
teach my child I was clueless. Why? Because I was teaching him what
school wanted me to teach him. Now its my third week homeschooling and
we are going fine. No hw. Means we read and write what we want. He has
already asked me to teach him concepts schools teach at grade 4 ( he's 7
years ) and I explained him.and I play based activities till age 7.
Research shows rote learning, and paper pencil work before 7 damages
critical thinking capacity of brain.
Sarah :
I know. I totally believe the letting
children learn at their own pace thing and all this pressured learning
makes me want to pull my hair out.
So cool you can actually do it. May Allah make it amazing and super easy for you
Sara that's the whole thing that people don't
understand... Children are already sick and tired by the time they get
home then later in the day we ask them to sit and do HW which annoys and
frustrates them even more which in turn annoys and frustrates us!
It's not that they don't want to listen to us... It's just that they're sick of those alphabets....
On the other hand when we HS we only make them sit (at least at that age) for max 1/2 an hour! That too only on days they are completely willing
and they're good to go... HW/CW all done
It's not that they don't want to listen to us... It's just that they're sick of those alphabets....
On the other hand when we HS we only make them sit (at least at that age) for max 1/2 an hour! That too only on days they are completely willing
(Note: The above is a copy of a Whatsapp conversation, partly edited for clarity)
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