Wednesday, December 7, 2016

How does discipline work in the household while homeschooling?

Question : Discipline
How does discipline work in the household while homeschooling?

 SAA: 3 sons, 2 daughters/ 16years to 7 years
Question of discipline can be looked in two ways
What is the culture of discipline in your home
And how do you enforce discipline
The best discipline is intrinsic
It develop with self
If you the elder of your home your home culture  all are self motivated and disciplined then the child learn it naturally
Self discipline is best taught by example even then their would be some
Left brained mostly
Who would be organized
meticulous and cover the details and then their will be some
Right brained
Who would always promise and never remember to put it back
For that I think that some task should be in the muscle memory
If some one suppose forgets to put away his tae condo uniform then he will have to put away everyone else's for the next 2 times
It's sort of consequences as well as  building association
I usually allow kids freedom to explore choose or make decisions
But there are also some times that I want obedience with out argument
I call these times
Kia kehtey hain
What do you say
And they say
Ji acha Ami 
Then their is time limitations such I put on timer
I want this task done in this time
I frequently do this with myself as well
and the kids love it when i beat my own time
For instantaneous obedience counting backwards from 10 to 1
I just start getting more menacing
And the kids scurry about to finish task
Tell you a joke we never got to 1 so no one still knows what happens when the number ends
Do we have tantrums with three teenagers very rare
I keep insisting that teaching should be done with neurological understanding
If a mood swing is coming the child and I know that it's due to growth Harmon and will pass
I do make a point to pamper them so they feel more solidarity instead of loneliness   
When they were young they were aloud to sulk
But I was very strict about them hurting someone and throwing something
Look and communicate with your child with your eyes and smiles see how much emotion can you give and bring out in her without speaking
I'm not talking about making faces but the subtle communication of souls

Sb: 2 sons, 1 daughter/Ages 10-5
 In terms of disciplining kids.. I have 12 hours worth of tips and techniques to share..
How to make rules
Finding the right consequences
Win win situations
Simple but powerful words
Using body language
And more..

Ummibaps: 8 sons, 1 daughter/ ages 18 to 2 years
It's a general misconception that children who stay at home will scream and shout, indulge in hooliganism in the house and in short act like wild animals..... no one actually says that,   what they usually say is ;  but won't the children just play all day?  Will they sit down and study?
Regardless of schooling or homeschooling, discipline at home or elsewhere has to be taught and reminded by the parents or guardians of the children.
Every family has its family etiquette,  we teach our children those etiquette as they grow and mature. They make mistakes, we remind them and so forth.
Most families whose children are no longer toddlers also have rules regarding chores and responsibilities in the house,   trying to make sure all are involved in the upkeep of them  home.
In order for it to discipline to work it helps if:
- both parents are in agreement with the rules they set down
- one parent is the key authority,  who is consider the final judge / Ameer of the family,  or maybe of a particular responsibility  (eg the final decision of ginger out for dinner  outside rests with Mama)
- they rules we firmly and consistently enforced ,  but flexible in special cases( the child who cleans the table is ill , or gone to a class)
- when a rule needs yo be changed,  all are informed and the new rule isl consistently followed
- rules are formed and changed accordingly to the ages and maturity of the children

HS: 2 daughters, 1 son / ages 15 to 11
We even set rules and give away responsibilities but let  the children exchange them as and when needed. They even learn to negotiate in this process, which is an important life skill. I feel😀

Mrs AH: 2 sons,7 and 15
Discipline for homeschoolers works just about the same way it should work for school goers.The advantage for homeschoolers would be that the mothers gets to reinforce the discipline she's trying to instill in her kids.School going kids are usually conflicted when they see that the rules at home don't coincide with the ones outside home.
Some guidelines for discipline from our household:
-Lead by example(that's the hardest part)
-You have to follow up and remind kids in what has been said,even if it's the 100th time...(oh,wait,this is also really hard)
-Make it very clear which actions have what consequences
-Give due warnings
-ALWAYS FOLLOW THROUGH WITH THE REPERCUSSIONS,kids need to know mommy means business

(Note: The above is a copy of a Whatsapp conversation,   partly edited for clarity)

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